Exhibitions: Call for Design Entries

99/1 will feature speculative designs for new public artworks. What is your ideal public work, where would it be in the city of Chicago, and why?

For 99/1 CIADC seeks 2D plans for new works designed outside the restrictions that have determined public art in Chicago to date – no budgets, no limits for location or function, just free reign for creative design.

CIADC Members and Students interested in taking part in this exhibit should send your public art design images to socialmedia@ciadc.org or speak to Nathan Smith at the front desk. Each submission should include an image of a proposed artwork, a location/site within the city of Chicago that the work was designed for, and a personal statement about the design.

To participate, please be in touch by Sunday, May 21 or fill out the form online at ciadc.org/open-call-for-entry. The exhibit will open on Saturday, June 3 and will be on display through Sunday, August 13.